Mental health, corporate and public speaking services:

Services offered

Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis & Treatment by Sikander Kalla Clinical Psychologist

A consultation may be scheduled for a clinical assessment to be conducted. During the assessment, signs and symptoms will be investigated in line with the presenting problem. If necessary, a diagnosis will be made and treatment options will be discussed with the patient.

Common Disorders Treated: Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Personality Disorders,  Psychotic Disorders, Trauma Disorders, Sexual Dysfunctions, Bipolar Mood Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder.

Corporate Health and Wellness. Forensic and Neuropsych Assessments

Comprehensive corporate health and wellness services are offered by conducting a thorough assessment of needs and thereafter tailoring a suitable and strategic plan of action. Medico-legal and neuropsych assessments are also offered on as needed basis.

Common Corporate and Medico-legal/Neuropsych Services Offered: Needs assessment, clinical interviewing, trauma debriefing, treatment for workplace difficulties (interpersonal and performance), and report writing.

Psychotherapy offered by Sikander Kalla Clinical Psychologist

Different psychotherapeutic treatment modalities are offered and will be tailored according to the identified presenting problem, the aetiology of the problem, signs and symptoms, and the working diagnosis. Referrals to other healthcare professionals may also be discussed.

Different Psychotherapeutic Treatment Approaches: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

Public Speaking and Mental Health Advocacy

Media appearances for television, radio and print media may be scheduled. Services related to mental health speaking engagements are also offered. Volunteer work and pro bono consultations for those in need of mental health services are also offered upon special request 

Common Public Speaking Topics Unpacked: Mental health awareness, public health, masculinity, sexual disorders, HIV/AIDS, contraceptive practices, personality, relational dynamics, GBV, stereotypes, and representation.

Contracted with most medical aids.

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